b'Page 17Love Awards The LOVE Awards (Live Our Values Everyday) is just one of the ways that Natta acknowledges and rewards our staff for their on-going commitment to following Nattas core values: Integrity, Collaboration, Innovation and Sustainability .Here are the winners from September to December and some of the photos that were taken. You can find all of the photos and reasons for nominations on our blog posts.September LOVE Award Winners Integrity - Oliver Shred, Belinda Jones, Jon Hyam and Andi Shoshari Collaboration - Steve Pursey, Dimitrui Ooprea,Aurealian Ponea, Kartikay Joshi, Alan Hepper,Tomasz Jarczak, Jamie Alexander,Andy Wychowalek, Mihael Iscru, Ben Gamroth, Mark McMorrow and Nischka Swinton Innovation - Cosmin C October LOVE Award Winners Integrity - Mark McMorrow, Georgiana Mosanu and Andi Lewington Collaboration - Dylan Matthews, William Stevenson, Lukasz Pieczonka and Ibrahim Al-Obaidy Innovation - Belinda Jones November LOVE Award WinnersCollaboration - Van Morgan, Kris Lelaj andMikel Mahmutaj Sustainability - Garry Young December LOVE Award Winners Innovation - Matt Wyles Collaboration - Matthew Benham, GeorgianaMosanu and Simon King'