b'Natta Health & Safety News Safety, Health & Environment We are approaching the final quarter of the year. Throughout the previous months, over 270 site audits have been carried out across all Natta sites. We have achieved an excellent average score of 91%, but there remains room for improvement. On site, the most frequent non-compliance involved COSHH, such as no drip trays placed under plant and equipment, where there is a possibility of an environmental spill. Also, there were a lack of spill kits and fire points adjacent to working areas.A reminder that a valid permit to dig must be displayed in the window of the excavator prior to breaking ground. If you are a plant operator, you should not proceed until a permit has been issued. All operatives have been briefed and understand the specific task, what their involvement is, and have signed the permit.Stay alert, stay safe - prioritise health and safety on every task. Vigilance today prevents accidents tomorrow - a commitment to safety is everyones responsibility.Quality Checks Quality Management audits are being made regularly this year, concentrating on the Inspection & Test Plan (ITP) used for each site. An ITP is a document used on a construction site to ensure that allaspects of a project are completed according to the required standards, specifications, and regulatory requirements. The audit confirms if the required evidence of checks is completed and documented. This is essential for accountability and for future reference, especially if issues arise post-construction. Use of Fonn Another focus this year is the adoption and increased use of FONN across all sites. This includesuploading completed documentation for future reference and completing a FONN daily site diary to keep a photographic record of progress and any document issues that may be affecting site progress. Tablets have been issued to site to accommodate the completion of these diaries. Following a soft launch of the FONN check, which did not affect the audit score of a site, as from 1st August if statutory items such as PUWER, LOLER & HAVS registers, Construction Phase Plan, and other important documents are notuploaded to FONN, they will be marked and impact site scores. If you have any issues with your Fonn account or require training or help using the system, please speak to either myself, David Armstrong, Jo Whelan or Jon Hyam who will help in any way we can. David Smith, HSE Manager'