b'Page 18 Wellness Week 2024 On Sept 2nd - 6th, the Natta Groups Wellness Week took place! The week was filled with various activities that brought everyone together and focussed on the importance of our physical and mental health. Weassigned daily themes and put relevant supporting information on our company intranet for our employees.Once again, we supported our mental health charity partner, the Lighthouse Club Charity, who providededicated emotional, physical and financial well-being support for construction workers and their families. Across the week we raised an incredible 181.25 for the charity and Natta match funded this to give us afinal total of 362.50! Site Wellness Bingo Challenge: This year we ran a Site Bingo Challenge for our site staff. They were challenged to pair up with a colleague and tick off as many wellness tasks before their opponent. The first one to fill in the entire board wasentered in the end-of-week draw for a chance to win a voucher! In third place was Michael Knot and second place was awarded to Parveen Simph. Finally a big well done to Ionut Dobroiu who was our overall Site Bingo Winner! Angmering Make It Visible Event: On Wednesday 4th, the Lighthouse Charity visited our Angmering site to deliver a Make It Visible event. The campaign aims to increase awareness of mental health support and accessibility in construction. The event began with an engaging Toolbox Talk, where they share first-hand life experiences and struggles. There was the opportunity for discussions on how important positive mental health is and for one-to-one advice. As a supporter of the charity, Natta recognises the importance of creating a supportive environment to encourage conversations about mental health. Make It Visible Event at our Angmering site. Mindful Monday Belinda Jones, our HR Advisor guided a meditation session for our employees, which was also broadcast live on Teams, allowing our site-based staff to join in remotely. The session provided a relaxing break, to clear the mind and reduce stress. Following this, Stephanie Stevenson a qualified Esoteric Yoga Practitioner led an Esoteric Yoga session. This style of yoga offers an opportunity to check in with your body and connect with the stiffness within. Tasty Tuesday Tuesday focussed on nourishing our bodies with healthy foods. Annette, our chef created a delicious andnutritious menu for the company canteen. Fruit baskets were delivered to our sites and head office, offering a healthy treat for our teams. Workout Wednesday Wednesdays focus was physical activity. We ran a Move Fit Session in our company gym. It was a fantastic opportunity to step away from our desks and prioritise our physical health.'