
Love Award Winners for December

Natta is pleased to announce the LOVE Award (Live Our Values Everyday) Winners for December 2024

Matt Wyles received an award for Innovation. Matt’s colleague said: “Matt has won a new piece of work at Copthorne, For the prestart Matt has added a new step to the tender hand over by annotating each item on the bill of quantities to provide key internal information. This greatly improves the accuracy of handover and efficiency in all areas so that the site management team and quantity surveyors can pick up the job. This ensures we secure wins set up at tender and place time-critical orders.”

December Love Awards Photo
From left to right: Matt Wyles, Georgiana Mosanu and Matthew Benham.


Simon King, Matthew Benham and Georgiana Mosanu won the Collaboration award. Their colleague said: “They organised an informative and engaging meeting for on-site engineers. The meeting offered insight into the commercial aspects of projects and the role of a Quantity Surveyor, promoting better collaboration between our departments.”

Congratulations to all of the LOVE Award Winners for December 2024!