b'Birchgrove, Godalming SECTOR:OVERVIEW: Building, Senior LivingAs main contractor, Natta undertook the full design and build of a new 52unit Extra Care Living Scheme for Birchgrove Life, in OUR ROLE:Godalming, Surrey. Main ContractorSCOPE OF WORKS: LOCATION: GodalmingAn existing listed building has been converted into 2 independent one bed living units. The main building covers 4 main floors and isCLIENT:comprised of traditional brick and block construction.Birchgrove LifeThe ground floor is cut into the existing site, this needed a contiguous pilled wall and capping beam. A secondary extension PROJECT VALUE:building with 3 additional apartments was also part of the scheme.15mUpon completion, this Later Living Scheme now has its own restaurant, snug room, bar and fitness room for the residents to DURATION:enjoy.October 2022(2 Years) See next page for more'